
Today I feel that I am embarking on a very new type of adventure, into the past, as technology has recently provided us with amazing tools to learn more about our ancestry.  My husband Pedro and I purchased our DNA/Ancestry and Health kits online from 23andMe a few days ago, last night we spit into vials and sealed them, and he is now on his way to the post office to send them off to be processed.  Assuming all goes well, we both should receive info on our respective ancestries dating back 500 years, and detailed reports on specific markers on our chromosomes and what they could indicate.  Healthwise, we really don't know what to expect, as very little health info from previous generations has been passed down in either family, but we suspect that our inherited genes could tell interesting stories that could confirm our intuitions.  Additional information can only help us to tweak our lifestyles in order to optimize wellness.  As I learn more about my ancestors, I will learn more about myself.  The 23andMe box says it well, "Welcome To You".  

I'll keep you posted!